Nation Wide Lockdowns in Australia saw nearly 14 million Aussies itching to get out and about. While most of the nation bobs in and out of lockdowns now, Sydney Siders find themselves in another 4 weeks of continued lockdown making this the longest lockdown for Sydney since the pandemic began. But what are Sydney's lockdown and stay at home orders? What do they cover? What about those 8 LGA’s that are experiencing the strictest restrictions? How long can it last and what can we do?
Many in Sydney are uncertain, unclear and a bit frustrated about what these lockdowns mean for them. From our point of view, it is important to get a bit of clarity and understanding of how the current restrictions apply to you.
According to the NSW Health Website
Sydney's Lockdown and Stay at home orders apply to Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour local government areas.
If you live in, usually work in, or usually attend a university or other tertiary education facility in Greater Sydney including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast, Wollongong and Shellharbour local government areas, stay at home rules apply.
This generally means for those living in those areas, to stay at home, work from home when you can. When necessary, only travel within a 10km radius for food or household needs and exercise. Always wear a mask and practice social distancing when you are heading out and do not gather in groups with those outside of your household.
If you live in, usually work in, or usually attend a university or other tertiary education facility in the local government areas of Blacktown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Campbelltown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Liverpool and Parramatta, the stay-at-home orders are a bit stricter. But what are they?
NSW Health states that you must stay home.
NSW Health states that you must stay home. You may only leave your home if you have a reasonable excuse. Which are to obtain food or other goods or services and for the personal needs of the household or for other household purposes. But they must be within 5km of your home. You can leave home to go to work if you cannot reasonably work from home or
are an authorised worker. You may leave home for education if it is not possible to do it at home. And you can head out to exercise and take outdoor recreation within 5km of your home. Of course, you may also go out for medical or caring reasons, including obtaining a COVID-19 vaccination or Legal obligations and needs.
For any of the reasonable reasons to leave your home, you must stay within your local area and not travel outside your local area if you can avoid it. Limit your physical contact with people you do not live with and always carry a face mask with you when you leave your home.
There has been much confusion around the concept of what is and what is not an essential worker or an authorised worker. We have been told to use common sense, but as we all know, these terms can mean different things for different people.
Here is a list from the NSW Health site that lists what is considered authorised for the current lockdown.
Education |
These are the professions and roles that are currently exceptions to Sydney's lockdown and Stay at Home orders. However, things are changing rapidly so we would advise you to check with NSW health yourself to keep up to date and be informed on your specific situation.
How Long Will The Lockdown Last?
No one is certain as to how long these restrictions will last. We have been given the date of August 28th but with the numbers continuing to increase no one is feeling too confident that things will go back to normal at that time. This pandemic continues to spread worldwide and countries around the world are seeing the impact of the Covid-19 Delta variant. This strain is particularly transmissible and seems to affect many more than previous strains have. Unfortunately, we are learning how to live with this all over again. We want to encourage everyone to stay safe, keep your families safe and please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
What We Can Do To Help
During this time, we are able to meet with our clients virtually and can arrange for safe documents to be delivered and signed. Financial and legal obligations are still very important to peoples lives and we want to be available to help during Sydney's Lockdown and Stay at home orders.
We are also recommending that during this time, everyone take the opportunity to get their affairs in order. Have your will and estate set up properly to protect your family in the long run. Set up an enduring power of attorney and enduring guardianships in order to keep the elderly and vulnerable at home. This works by designating one person who can take care of the paperwork, legal, and financial needs on behalf of the person who sets this up.
Domestic violence and divorce rates are climbing during this time due to the added pressures and constant contact with partners. If this is your situation and you are ready to make a decision to move forward in your life. Don’t feel like you are stuck, we can help you get things moving forward and getting your life back on track. If you are experieriencing domestic violence please Call 1800 875 204 for support. If you are in an emergency situation please call 000 for help now.
Covid-19 has changed the world we live in and though it can be difficult, we need to prepare ourselves the best we can. CM Lawyers can help.
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The Covid-19 Pandemic is an ongoing and ever changing situation, This article is current at the time of publishing but things are changing daily. Please check the NSW Health website for the latest on Sydney's Lockdown and Stay At Home Orders.
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