If Hollywood films were to be believed, the end of the year is a time for family, fun, good food, and party games. Also lots of snow. But as Buddy in the holiday classic Elf, says, “You sit on a throne of lies!” Because it’s also the time of year when crime rates go through the roof. Violations such as drink driving, drug and alcohol possession, assault, and robbery. These are the most common crimes during the holiday season and are also the most common reasons to hire a lawyer over the holidays.
It can also be a time that magnifies problems like family and domestic violence, and takes a toll on people who are going through separation and divorce – especially where children are concerned.
So why does crime increase over the Christmas period?
Let’s face it – there are enormous expectations around Christmas time. All that holly jolly can get too much. In reality, expenses go through the roof, there are so many things to organise, and we’re often stuck in habitual patterns that don’t necessarily serve us well, like spending hours with Aunt Betty who’s drunk one too many sangrias and constantly asks when we’re getting married, or having a baby, or giving the first baby a sibling. Or why we’ve put on so much weight. (Hint: Not a baby, just Covid.)
If you find yourself or a loved one on the wrong side of the law this season. Dont waste time, contact our office today. We are skilled at dealing with all of the issues that may arise resulting in you needing to hire a lawyer over the holidays.
And with that expectation comes pressure, not to mention guilt, and disappointment that once again, the best time of year has deteriorated into a soggy mess, followed by an existential crisis of ‘Is this as good as it gets?’. Not to mention our bank balance is equally sad.
So, in short, it’s a complicated and testing time, even for the most sanguine of people. Let’s have a look at some of the things that might crop up during the holiday season.
In traditional story books and movies, there’s a sense of excitement about Christmas Eve and Christmas Day as perfect children and adults gather around an immaculate tree to open presents. For Hanukkah, families light the candelabrum amidst calm and serenity.
The reality is very different. For the most part, the actual occasion is less than perfect.
And for families experiencing a separation, it can be particularly hard, especially during custody disputes – when thoughts turn to who gets to spend the most meaningful time with the kids?
Even if these traditions weren’t previously held closely to their hearts, the holiday season has a way of making everything seem more important than it actually is. All the turbulence of emotions can flood to the surface. So arrangements that might have worked, suddenly don’t.
Here are 3 top tips for surviving the holiday if you’re in, or anticipate you might be in, a tricky family situation.
- Going through a separation or other family challenges? Agree on the arrangements in advance! It's important to agree on the details well in advance of Christmas, before the holiday emotional mayhem kicks in. Who gets Christmas Eve? Who gets Christmas Day? Where can the children go? Overseas? Interstate? Can they see their grandparents? What should the gift limit be? (This one to avoid one parent lording it over the other, otherwise known as ‘buying’ their affections!)
And get it all in writing. Seek legal advice from a specialist family lawyer who will work hard in your best interests. Family law can be a minefield so get the advice you need.
- Expect that it’s going to be a tricky time of year. Sunshine and lollipops, it definitely isn’t! So don’t put extra emotional burden on yourself or your family.
- Most importantly, if domestic violence is present or you expect it might happen during the holiday season, take steps to be prepared.
Everyone’s situation is different, but the theme is the same – control – whether that’s emotional, physical or financial. There are helplines you can access, even on Christmas Day.
And if you need some guidance before the season starts, contact CM Law and our specialist family lawyer will guide you through the legalities, just so you’re prepared if you need to take action.
Need To Hire A Lawyer Over The Holidays?
When it comes to criminal issues, if you are arrested for matters like drink driving, drug possession, theft or other crime matters, contact CM Law as soon as possible. The criminal law system is complex, and getting the best support early can help you navigate the process. Our special criminal lawyers can guide you to get the best outcome.
Thank you for reading this article, please note that this content is accurate at the time of posting but is not updated regularly. The content throughout this site should be viewed as informational and informative but not considered legal advice. We cannot guarantee that any of the information on the website is current and laws are regularly changing. For more accurate information or to obtain proper legal advice, please contact our office today.